I've been tagged....yay!! Thanks
Chickbug! Here's 6 random tidbits about me...
the details:
- Post the rules on your blog
- Write six random things about yourself in a blog post
- Tag six (or 4, in this case) people in your post
- Let each person know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
- Let the tagger know your entry is up
1. I spent the day on the lake yesterday celebrating Billy's Cinco de Mayo birthday and had a blast! I laughed every time I looked at Billy wearing his sombrero and was thankful MY birthday is not on a day that requires such festive headwear. :)
2. I would MUCH rather be at home, working in the garden right now than at work. Obviously, since I'm posting a blog in the middle of the day.
3. I am on the hunt for the perfect pair of white jeans right now...and at this point don't care how much I have to pay.
4. I am getting a new puppy in a month, a chocolate lab named Kona.
5. I am counting down the days until we leave for Playa del Carmen even though I'm seriously stressed about the way I look in a swimsuit. Which reminds me just how much I need to hit the gym the next few weeks.
6. I'm super excited to meet friends tonight for some Tex-Mex and margaritas in honor of the day!
I am tagging
Rachel, and