So, I abandoned the shoe challenge for a week because really, all I wanted to wear was flip flops, or my gold gladiators, which have already been posted. But, I'm back on track. These white flips flops are vintage Target....circa 1990 or so. I found them at our lake house stuffed under a bunch of cleans linens and immediately snatched them up. I find that some of my favorite items of clothing have been found there, left by some distant family member to be found by me, years later, to enjoy. My vintage blue Lacoste shirt, the old red Adidas shorts, Trey's 1970's Hawaii shirt, Trey's grandad Doc's cowboy hat...all amazing. Everyone should have their own personal thrift store!
These aren't as cute against the blue utility carpet of my classroom as they are with flipped up jeans and a little white Mexican blouse...but you get the picture...
Wow. I don't think I could find anything from 1990. Seriously. I purge bi yearly.
OH girl...so do I, in my own closet...unless it's something vintage I'm just convinced my own daughter will be dying to have one day...haha
I'm all in for the tattoo party! name when and where and I'm in..it's already designed, just gotta find the time to make it happen.
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