These pictures hold the women I esteem most in the world. They are the shapers of who I am today. Each of them has meant something special and dear to me and I wouldn't trade or replace any of them for all the riches this world could offer. Not only do the genes we share shape my face, my feet, my mannerisms, and unfortunately, my propensity to be short and have to work hard to stay thin for the rest of my life...but also my zest for life, my sense of humor, all the wonderful things I've come to love about myself, and I also see in them the things I need to work on in myself.
I have been blessed in my life. Not a day goes by that I don't give thanks that not only do I have both of my grandmothers, I've grown up near them my entire life! I spent many weekends with one grandmother or another, and spent most holidays happily traipsing back and forth between one side of Dallas to another. Both of my grandmothers adore each other, and my parents are lucky enough to both love their "mother in law". :) Although my Aunt lived in Georgia and then Chicago while I was growing up...I spent many happy months in both places, always feeling immensely welcomed and loved. To this day, I lived within an hour of all of these women, and probably don't spend as much time with them as I should!
My Grandmother Sue is, as I call her, my "fishing grandma". I learned so many life lessons from her, not limited to...how to bait a hook, to call "here, fishy, fishy, fishy", the fact that I should ALWAYS wear lipstick to take a picture (the fact being...I don't, probably to the chagrin of she and my mom), and how to love Jesus with all my heart. My grandmother has the most wonderful laugh, and she is quick to use it! Most of my favorite memories come from playing cards late at night with my family, and my grandmother almost always wins! There are 11 grandchildren on this side, and I've always felt one of a kind with her. She sewed us many a matching outfit or gown, and is one of the best cooks I know! My favorite meal always includes her "Green Stuff", a jello salad that I could eat my weight in. When I got married, she gave me a book with all of her best recipes...some of them even included where she originally got them. That is the wedding gift I cherish most to this day.
My grandmother Ruth, I affectionately call my "Neiman Marcus grandma". She is my fellow Starbucks lover and favorite shopping partner. We laugh all the time at the deals (or should I say, steals) we find! We enjoy eating lunch at La Madeline and strolling though Northpark mall...just window shopping. From her I've learned the gifts of grace and hospitality. You would never meet a more charitable, giving soul than my precious grandmother. She has to be forcefully made to sit and eat during holiday gatherings at her house. She is famous for asking, "Are you hungry?" then opening the fridge to pull out anything that might possibly interest you...even if you reply no! She has an innate knack to choose gifts for people, I think because she so closely listens and watches for any ideas...anything that might please you. She has a timeless style and is up on all the trends and Hollywood gossip. Even if she hasn't always agreed with the choices I've made...she never lets on. She is a tender hearted to the core...a trait that was passed on to me that I sometimes wish wasn't. :) We can't finish a meal without crying over something that touched one of us. I treasure our Friday afternoon "dates" where we sit at Starbucks and sip our caramel frappacinos then head over to Target..."just to look."
My Aunt Kathy, the Queen Kathryn to my Princess Kathryn. I am so thankful for the friendship and bond she shares with my mom. It truly shows what sisters are meant to be. They always say they hated eachother growing up...but to watch them now you would never know it! My aunt has been through so much in her life...and has come out on top. I see her learning to trust in the Lord and love him more through each trial in her life. She has taken each stage of her life and made the best of it. She was a single mom, raising my cousin (who also happens to be one of the best friends I have) Justin, and although times had to be hard, we always had so much fun! Everytime we visited, she would make sure to plan something to make us feel like we had the best trip ever! She uprooted to Chicago and married my wonderful Uncle La...who had 3 boys of his own. Her family of 2 became a family of 6 overnight and after a few rough patches, grew to love all the boys as her own. We lost my cousin Matt a couple of years ago to an accident, and watching her grow during this time has been a balm to my own soul. She's a never ending source of knowledge and good advice. I truly feel as if I could go to her with anything. She's the "cool aunt" but also full of wisdom. She can say, "been there, done that" and mean it.
Last but not least, my mom. My mom and I have always had an easy relationship...mainly because I didn't cause much trouble and was born "30 years old", I've heard it said. My sister and my mom have a tumultous relationship...my sister's been in enough trouble for both of us, and has tested the maternal bonds between she and my mom time and time again. I, however, have always had more or less a friendship with my mom. I earned my fair share of childhood discipline, and have done a few things in my life to disappoint my mom...but for the most part, have always felt a kinship with her. We talk about so much, and sometimes feel we're the "only sane ones" in our family. :) Growing up, she was wonderful. She owned her own business and mostly worked at night so she could be home with us during the day. Wow...that sounds bad...no, she didn't work the streets! I never, ever heard my parents argue or fight. I KNOW they did...but they never let us hear it. She's offered grace time and time again to each of us, which, not being a parent, is hard to wrap my mind around. She's not perfect, and one of the things I love most about her is watching grow in her open-mindedness as she gets older. She's learned to accept things as they come and knows she can't change everything...or everyone! She's a 'fixer' and I am just like her. She wants everyone around her to be happy, to be OK...even if it's to the detriment of her own well being. I'm learning in my own life...even as she learns in hers, that we can't possibly do that! She's a wonderful mother in law...yes, I speak for Trey. :) She doesn't butt in, and while she'll give me her opinion, she steps back and lets us live our life. And she ALMOST never mentions grandchildren. My parents are ALMOST empty nesters, and are still really young to have already shoved us all out of the house, and it's fun watching my mom and dad enjoy life, and enjoy eachother. Yesterday was my mom's birthday...the big 5-0...and she and my dad pulled up to my grandparent's on their motorcycle...something I would NEVER have pictured when I was younger...and it was so beautiful to me...and I am so thankful for my motorcycle riding momma!
I hope that I can bring joy and inspiration to the lives of those around me, just like the other women of my family. Whether it's shopping, playing cards, making a scrapbook, or raising my family...I have to look no further than these beautiful ladies!
You come from good stock, sweetie!
It's funny how much the women in my family sound like yours--they (and the memories of some) are reminders of the kind of woman I should be and I aspire to honor them in how I live.
I know yours are very proud of you!
I will suggest you do as much as you can with them while you have them--I'd give just about anything to have more time with my grandmothers!
Beautiful read, K!
Dear VKRE...You made me cry! I love you so much!!!
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