Here are 75 little (or maybe well) known facts about me....
I love sunshine.
I get seriously, clinically depressed if I go too long without it.
Sometimes I forget why I became a teacher.
Then I remember it's for the summers off.
I love my family and friends more than anything.
I am never more happy than when both groups are all together.
I drive an FJ Cruiser that is pretty bad ass
but would rather drive a Jeep Wrangler.
I love vintage clothes
and have what some would say a really eclectic fashion sense.
Sometimes I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
I am obsessed with anything labeled organic, or all-natural
and only use all natural products on my skin/hair
as well as on our dogs.
Of which we have 2.
One is a pit bull named Slater who is the biggest teddy bear ever.
The other is Duke, a beagle who is totally the boss.
I am a runner by nature, I get so antsy when I sit still for too long.
I love to run in the middle of the day, in July, I feel there is nothing better.
I need to be by water at almost all times...
I hear the ocean calling my name in my sleep.
Flip flops are a staple in my wardrobe.
I love my newphew just as much as I would if he was my biological child....
I don't know if I ever actually want my own children
and am perfectly aware that some people thing that's awful.
I would pack up and move to Africa tomorrow
and sometimes pray that God would send that word.
I want to own a vineyard one day, and live in Italy,
where I will wear linen pants and tank tops every day of the summer.
I love shells, there isn't a room in our house that does not contain at least one.
I dream of being a famous dancer,
and can be found dancing around the house at any given moment.
I love Audrey Hepburn, and wish I lived during her time...
because I feel we could have been best friends
and also because I want to dress like her every day.
I love to sing
and will do it loudly
but am fully cognizant of the fact that God did not bless me with that gift.
I LOVE parties.
I HATE mayonaise, but am willing to try almost anything else.
I don't like most sweets, though
but do love baking so I give them away alot.
I am much more insecure than I come across.
I have to work very hard to let go of control and not be boss of everything.
I love decorating
and want to open a vintage/kitschy home store one day.
I will never forget a name
and it drives me BONKERS when people I've known for years can't spell my name right.
I want to get my masters in journalism
or meterology
because I love reading and also weather
and I know these sound strange together.
I walk into a bookstore and think it says to me, "Welcome home, friend."
I think there is a song for every event and every moment in life.
I am addicted to Starbucks,
a Tall Non-fat Caramel Macchiato to be exact.
Or if it's summer, an ICED tall Non-fat Car. Mach.
Although I do love Passion Tea Lemondade.
If I had to pick an all time favorite movie,
I would choose Serendipity.
Although the other 2,500 movies that I love run a close second.
I have a crush on a man named Cary Pierce,
and Trey is convinced I will leave him for Cary if given the chance.
If made to choose, my all time favorite song is "Vineyard"
for many reasons.
I think that Americans are very small minded and need a broader world view than People magazine offers us.
In saying that, I must be honest.
I love People magazine.
I am currently reading 5 books, and love them all.
I love avocados, and any dish that contains them.
I love Youngs Double Chocolate Stout Beer
but only if it is mixed with Lindeman's Framboise...
I'm not sure if I spelled that right, and I don't care.
I will read anything by C.S. Lewis, and pretend to understand every word.
I am thankful at this very moment for Carrie and the CD's she made me because it shows she understands me and knows what I love...